
Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering 

| An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai NAAC "A" Grade Accredited |

About Science & Humanities

The Department of Humanities & Science caters to the requirements of the first year engineering curriculum of the University of Mumbai. The Department aims to equip first-year students with fundamentals in the applied sciences and communication skills. Courses such as Engineering Physics, Engineering Chemistry and Engineering Mathematics, provide the necessary foundation for understanding the concepts and applications in higher semesters. Courses in Professional Communication & Ethics train the students in corporate, social and ethical practices and ensure their holistic development.

The Department has competent faculty and excellent infrastructure facilities to fulfil the requirements of the course curriculum. The department organizes two week induction program consisting of Yoga sessions, sessions on environmental awareness, lectures on universal human values, expert lectures, interactive sessions with Department heads, Placement Cell, Student Council, etc. A professional counsellor is available in the department to help the students to sort out their personal and professional issues.


Objectives of the Department

  • To strengthen the fundamental knowledge in Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics.
  • To develop the ability to communicate effectively as technical professional.
  • To provide an environment for working effectively in groups and follow ethical practices.
  • To create a firm foundation to further the engineering education of the students.

Highlights of the Department

  • Motivated and experienced faculty.
  • Faculties actively involved in coordinating co-curricular & extracurricular activities.
  • Well maintained laboratories with state of the art equipment.
  • Conducts induction and orientation program for the first year students to adapt themselves to the rigorous engineering curriculum.
  • Availability of professional counselor in the department.

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