- An identity card is compulsory for getting access to the library.
- Silence to be maintained. No group discussions allowed inside the library.
- Enter your Name and Sign in the Register kept at the Entrance.
- Textbooks, printed materials and issued material are not allowed inside the library.
- Use of cell phone, not allowed.
- No library material can be allowed to take outside the library
- Photocopying of books can be done by producing coupons, which are to be Collected from Office.
- Documents taken out of the shelves must be left on the table. Books should not be Re shelved.
- CIRCULATION ISSUE SYSTEMS: Books will be issued showing on ID cards. Students are instructed to check the books while borrowing and they will be responsible for the damage of books while returing.
- Two books are issued for B.E students for one week and for M.E students, 4 books are issued. Students can renew the book once.
- OVERDUE CHARGES: Materials borrowed should be returned on or before the due date mentioned in the due date slip, if returned late overdue fine will be collected.
- BOOK LOST: If the book is lost, the borrower should replace the new book or pay double cost of the book.
- LOSS OF ID CARD: Loss of ID card should be reported to Librarian immediately. The duplicate ID card may be issued by paying Rs.140/-
- The Librarian may recall any book at any time.
- Anyone who violates the rules and regulations may be debarred from using the Library.