
Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering 

| An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai NAAC "A" Grade Accredited |


Publications Details 2023-2024




D. Nunes, W. Bar, S. Fernandes, M. Satra, J. Save and P. Dalvi, "AI-Driven Traffic Lights," 2023 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), Delhi, India, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICCCNT56998.2023.10306685.



A. I. Nazareth, G. P. Pereira, T. N. Nagarkatte and J. Save, "Effect of Hyperparameter Tuning on Transfer Learning Models for Brain Tumor Detection and Classification," 2023 International Conference on Advanced Computing Technologies and Applications (ICACTA), Mumbai, India, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICACTA58201.2023.10393629.



Mohit Sunil Pansare; Gladys Gince Skariah; Rhea Nilesh Bhalekar; Garima Tripathi.“Development of a Tool for Quick Result Analysis.” Volume. 8 Issue. 7, July - 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology (IJISRT), www.ijisrt.com. ISSN - 2456-2165, PP :- 2132-2136. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8220598.



S. Davare, V. Shirsath and F. Sayyad, "An Improved Model for Lung Cancer Prediction Based on Lifestyle Parameters Using Machine Learning Techniques," 2023 International Conference on Integration of Computational Intelligent System (ICICIS), Pune, India, 2023, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/ICICIS56802.2023.10430256.



K. Sarode, A. Thakur, L. Correa and S. Davare, "Food Recognition System with Calorie Estimation," 2023 International Conference on Integration of Computational Intelligent System (ICICIS), Pune, India, 2023, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/ICICIS56802.2023.10430265.



Joshua D’sylva, Riona Gonsalves, Prachi Dalvi, Swaranjali Bodhi, “An Assessment of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applications in Remote Sensing for Crop Classification”, Sixth International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering, Management, Pharmacy and Science– SAGECON2K24, 2024.



Dalvi Prachi., & Kalbande, D. R. (2023), “A Comprehensive Review of Plant Recognition Approaches:Techniques, Challenges, and Future Direction”, SSGM Journal of Science and Engineering, 1(1), 1–5.Retrieved from https://ssgmjournal.in/index.php/ssgm/article/view/18

Publications Details 2022-2023




Ron George, Prof. Swati Ringe, Clayton Almeida, Akshay Naphade,"Resolving the Data Imbalance problem in Fraud Detection Using Sampling and Machine Learning Techniques", POSITIF Journal, Vol22 Issue 7 2022, ISSN NO : 0048-4911 https://doi.org/10.37896/psj30.7/1201



Makdey, Swapnali & Patrikar, Rajendra. (2023) “ Design of behavior prediction model of molybdenum disulfide magnetic tunnel junctions using deep networks”. Semiconductor Science and Technology. 38. 10.1088/1361-6641/acc3bb.



M. Nikam, A. Ranade, R. Patel, P. Dalvi and A. Karande, "Explainable Approach for Species Identification using LIME," 2022 IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference (IBSSC), Mumbai, India, 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/IBSSC56953.2022.10037417.



Orvell Ferreira ,Clint Ferreira ,Sloan Dcunha ,Parshvi Shah , (2022 ) " College Recommendation System: Comparison of Different Machine Learning Models " , International Journal of Soft Computing And Artificial Intelligence (IJSCAI) , pp. 42-47, Volume-10,Issue-1


Publication Details 2021-2022

Sr. No.



Mareena Fernandes,Saloni Khanna,Leandra Monteiro,Anu Thomas,Garima Tripathi, “Bitcoin Price Prediction,” International Conference on Computing,Communication&Control(ICAC3 2021), 7 th Feb 2022, https://doi.org/10.1109/ICAC353642.2021


Rodrigues Sanil., Pereira Rincy., Tuscano Selvin., Tripathi Garima, “Contactless Attendance System”, Data Intelligence and Cognitive Informatics. Algorithms for Intelligent Systems. Springer, Singapore., 1st January 2022


Issac Sanctis,Nilesh Prasad,Kenneth Rebello,Garima Tripathi, “Recommendation system for supermarkets”, GIS Science Journal, May2021


Saurabh Kulkarni, Sunil F. Rodd, “Evaluation of the Impact of Data Sparsity on Collaborative Filtering Models in Context-Aware Recommend ation Systems”, Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Information and Control Systems, Springer, March 2022


Publication Details 2020-2021

Sr. No.



Garima Tripath,Priyank Shah,Deval Srivastav,Saim Shaikh, “Driver Activity monitoring using Mobilenets”, Springer,ICICN 2020, Nov 2020, Intelligent Computing and Networking,ISBN 978-981-15-7421-4



Amandeep Singh Saini, Anuj Singh, Prajakta Dhamanskar, Sunny Patel, “American Sign Language Translator using Convolutional Neural Networks”, International Jornal of Advanced Science and Technology, Apr 2020, Vol. 29, No. 8s, (2020), pp. 311-316


MayankTanna, Rohin Vaidya, Joyson Gaurea , PriyaTanwar, SimrenBatra and Jagruti Save, “FORESIGHTBOT: A chatbot for personal safety”, PENSEE international journal, volume 51, issue 01, 2021


Saurabh Kulkarni, Sunil F. Rodd, “Context Aware Recommendation Systems: A review of the state of the art techniques”, Computer Science Review, Aug 2020, Elsevier, Vol. 37, ISSN- 1574-0137, pages- 100255


Davare Sarika, Dr. Debirupa Hore, “A Review On Prediction Of Cancer Using Supervised And Unsupervised Learning Techniques”, An International Bilingual Peer Reviewed Refereed Research Journal, Dec 2020, ISSN-2348-2397, Vol. 7, Issue 28, Page No: 185-189


Mayank Tanna, Aditya Alexander Job, Nimisha Bhoir, Vaibhav Godbole, and Ajay Koli, “DROMMER: Drone with Jammer”, PENSEE international journal, volume 50, issue 12, Dec 2020, ISSN NO: 0031-4773, vol 50, issue12, pg no 443-448


Chinmay Kolhatkar,Kranti Wagle, “Review of SLAM Algorithms for Indoor Mobile Robot with LIDAR and RGB-D Camera Technology”, Innovations in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 661. Springer, Singapore, Jul 2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-4692-1_30


Sujit N., Dylan D., Akshaye N., and Dr. Jagruti S., “ Intelligent Security and Surveillance System Using Deep Learning Techniques”, International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-07, Issue-01, APR 2021, IJREAMV07I0173100 DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2021.0168, pg. 226-230


Shalva Thakurdesai a , Shubham Vira b , Gouri Kanitkar c , Dr. Jagruti Save, “Smart Gallery using Google Vision”, International Conference on Smart Data Intelligence (ICSMDI 2021) organized by Kongunadu college of engg. and tehnolgy, Trichy, Tamil Nadu,India, on 29-31 April 2021 , E copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=385276,

Publication Details 2019-2020

Sr. No.



Nilesh M. Patil, Tanmay P. Rane, Anmol A. Panjwani, “ML Suite: An auto machine learning tool”, 4th International Conference on ICT for Intelligent Systems (ICTIS -2020), May2020, Machine Learning for Predictive Analysis. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 141


Nilesh M. Patil, Bevan H. Sequeira, Neil N. Gonsalves, Abhishek A. Singh, “Cricket Team Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, May 20202, Elsevier, Vol. 29, No.8s, pp. 419 - 428


Nilesh M. Patil, Sanil Rodrigues, “Heat Stroke Alert Device”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Apr 2020, Elsevier, Vol. 29, No. 6s, pp. 2492-2497


Nilesh M. Patil, Sunny P. Dias, Ashley A. Dcunha, Rohit J. Dodti, “Hybrid Phishing Site Detection”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Apr 20202,Elsevier, Vol. 29, No. 6s, pp. 2452-2459


Anish Dias, Chinmay Khanolkar, Saurabh Sharma, Nilesh Patil, “IoT Based Smart Greenhouse Monitoring System”, Purakala UGC Care Journal, May 2020, Vol. 31, Issue 16, pp. 48 -53


Kranti Wagle,Seadon Rodrigues,Arnav Deep Singh, “Emotion Recognition through Mobile Application”, Purakala UGC Care Journal, May 2020, ISSN:0971-2143 Vol-31-Issue-40


Amandeep Singh Saini, Anuj Singh, Prajakta Dhamanskar, Sunny Patel, “American Sign Language Translator using Convolutional Neural Networks”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 2020, ISSN: 2005-4238


Prajakta Dhamanskar; Aniket C Poojari; Harshita S Sarwade; Renita R D'silva, “Human Computer Interaction using Hand Gestures and Voice” , IEEE 2019 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Control (ICAC3), Dec 19, ISBN:978-1-7281-2387-5


Ryan D’silva, AnushkaParadkar, “Automatic Text Summarization and Entity Extraction from Meeting Minutes” , International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Current Issue May 2020


Steffi F. Andrade, Nishita M. Bhatankar, Nadia M. Dsilva, Prof. Prachi Patil, “


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